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NOTE: This file is in the process of being updated for 0.18. Information may be outdated.

When a developer defines a new, custom data source for their Cards, they need to ask themselves the following questions:

  • What data should be fetched and cached?
  • How often should the cache be refreshed?
  • What kinds of searches would be made on the cache?
  • If data should be changed, where does that request go, and what is the format?
  • Who should have the ability to read and/or write data?

In Cardstack, we have grouped these various tasks into indexers, searchers, writers, and authenticators within the data plugins.

Anatomy of a data plugin

A data plugin is usually made up of up to four main features:

  1. Indexer - an asynchronous process that fetches data from external sources, does some JSON preprocessing, and add the data into an index to allow for quick access when the front end requests for it.
  2. Searcher - when querying/fetching data from the front end, the searcher will access the data from the index.
  3. Writer - when the front end sends a POST/PATCH request (want to write back to the data source), the writer handles that.
  4. Authenticator - handles authenticating the app or user to retrieve data

In the following sections, we'll cover the available commands for these data sources.


An indexer fetches data on a regular interval and indexes it into a cache for speedy retrieval. The source code for the Indexer class can be found here.


The update method is responsible for getting any new upstream content into the search index. Update takes these optional arguments:

  • forceRefresh: when true, we will force Elasticsearch to index the new content immediately. This is expensive if you do it too often. When false, we will wait for the next scheduled refresh to happen (the default Elasticsearch refresh_interval is once per second). Defaults to false.
  • hints: can contain a list of { id, type } references. This is intended as an optimization hint when we know that certain resources are the ones that likely need to be indexed right away. Indexers are responsible for discovering and indexing arbitrary upstream changes regardless of this hint, but the hint can make it easier to keep the search index nearly real-time fresh.


schema() retrieves the Schema for a Card.

A Schema instance is computed from all the schema models that are discovered. Schema models are things like content-types, fields, data-sources, plugin-configs, etc. They are pieces of content, but special pieces of content that can alter how other content gets indexed. This method does it own caching, since schemas get computed as part of indexing anyway. You can also directly invalidate the cache, see next method.


invalidateSchemaCache() does what it says on the tin. This is a lighter-weight operation than update. It allows us to decouple the question of when and how to index content from the issue of maintaining schema correctness during sequences of writes.


Writers have three main functions: create, update, schemaTypes, and delete. You can view the source code for the Writer class here.


Searchers handle GET requests to the index.